(A) 使用虛擬瑪(pseudo code)寫一個演算法,輸入一個整數n(n>2)並輸出小於n的最大因數(factor) (Write an algorithm using the pseudo code to input an integer n and output the n's largest factor that is less than n.)
Input: n (n>2)
Output: Max
Max = 1
FOR i = 1 to n
IF n%i == 0 && i>Max
Max = i
Print Max
(B) 使用虛擬 瑪(pseudo code)寫一個演算法,輸入一個整數n(n>2)並輸出所有n除了本身以外的正因數(factor)總和 (Write an algorithm using the pseudo code to input an integer n and output the total summation of all n's factors except n.)
(C) 使用虛擬瑪(pseudo code)寫一個演算法,輸入整數n及m(n>m>2),輸出所有比n小並大於m的n的因數(factor)總和,若無此因數則輸出0 (Write an algorithm using the pseudo code to input integers n and m, and output all n's factors larger than m and less than n.)
(D) 使用虛擬瑪(pseudo code)寫一個演算法,輸入一個整數n並判斷n是否為完美數(perfect number) (Write an algorithm using the pseudo code to input an integer n and output (decide) if n is a perfect number.)
(E) 使用虛擬瑪(pseudo code)寫 一個演算法,輸入一個整數n(n>0)並判斷n是否為快樂數(happy number) (Write an algorithm to input an integer n and output (decide) if n is a happy number.) 註: 快樂數有以下的特性:在給定的進位制下,該數字所有數位(digits)的平方和,得到的新數再次求所有數位的平方和,如此重複進行,最終結果必為1。例 如,以十進位為例: 28 → 22+82= 68 → 62+82=100 → 12+02+02=1,因此28是快樂數
(F) 使用虛擬瑪(pseudo code)寫一個演算法,以輸入一個具有n個元素的集合S並輸出S的幂集(pwoer set) (Write an algorithm to input a set S of n elements and output the power set of S.)